This is where ideas go until they get worked into the various theory sections.
Action on a zero-time particle can have an effect either in forward time or negative time. The effect, like electricity, occurs at the moment of least resistance.
Education is severely out of date. Modern technologies should be used to communicate knowledge, such as videotapes. With feedback, revisions could be incorporated into subequent tapes. Eventually, courses could be available via Internet. Quality could also be improved since expert knowledge could be readily available and disseminated. Customized curricula could be used so that individuals could explore what they are truly interested in. This could extend back even to elementary schools so that people could be truly individual and explore what interests them most. Our current education system was designed for the Industrial revolution, to produce people who were punctual, obedient and performed repetitive tasks. Nowadays, there are few standard job descriptions and a person might as well specialize at what is most individually fulfilling. It might be advantageous to allow students to explore what they are interested in, attendance and school participation could be significantly improved.